Shire of Yilgarn

23 Antares St Southern Cross
WA 6426
58 923 991 148
08 9049 1001
9049 1429

Suburbs and Localities

Bodallin 6424; Bullfinch 6484; Ghooli 6426; Koolyanobbing 6427; Marvel Loch 6426; Moorine Rock 6425; Mt Hampton 6426; Southern Cross 6426; Yellowdine 6426.

Significant Local Events

  • Australia Day Community Celebration - January 
  • Anzac Day Ceremony - April 
  • Agricultural Show - August-September 
  • Yilgarn Motoring Enthusiast's Car & Bike Show - September (Every 2 years)
  • Community ChristmasTree Event - December

Ordinary Council Meeting

Meets third Thursday of each month, except January.

Tourist Attractions

Yilgarn History Museum; Karalee Dam, Wimmera Hill; Helena Aurora Ranges;Great Western Woodlands; Lake Koorkadine; Frog Rock; Mt Palmer; ConstellationPark; Free Swimming Pool (Summer).

Local Industries

Mixed farming; gold, iron and lithium mining; salt; gypsum; sandalwood;quarrying; automotive & mining engineering.

Council Statistics for 20222023
to Perth (km)
370 370
(sq km)
31K 30720
Sealed Roads
Length (km)
439 439
Unsealed Roads
Length (km)
2K 2285
Population 1K 1173
Number of Electors 679 679
Number of Dwellings 704 704
Rates Levied
Total ($)
4m 4200000
Total ($)
15m 15000000
Number of Employees 51 51
extraMile by Dapth